Monday, 10 August 2009

cute bangles from anna lou of london

today i took my naughty cat for her vaccination. while i was waiting for the doctor and browsing 'heat' magazine, i saw those lovely bangles by anna lou of london.

it seems each design has very limited stock and once it got sold out, it won't have any more in. the ones i saw on the magazine are very cute with little horses, but failed to find them online.. here's some i saw on the internet. i particularly love the skull and pistol one, very rock 'n roll style, right.

it's a bit... pricy for a bangle, each bangle is £35..

今天我帶我的寶貝牛去給獸醫打預防針,如同一般台灣的診所都會有成堆被翻到有點破爛的八卦雜誌,英國的診所也提供了幾本當地八卦雜誌。隨手翻閱看每個明星化妝前化妝後,或是海灘曝光照,無意間看到這個可愛的手環- anna lou of london。

我看到的是很可愛的小馬,但是網路上找不到...找到這些,特別喜歡哭魯頭還有手槍,很有搖滾的風格吧...一個35鎊(快2000台幣)對於一個手環 有...點...貴 每個手環的數量都有限,而且賣完就沒有了,這的確可以吸引很多人的購買慾。我想她的品牌是促成這個價格的原因之一。( 但是tatty devin 一個手工項鍊也才£25.. )

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